суббота, 18 октября 2008 г.

center edmonton kinsmen sports

So Iapos;m due for my 1am flight to�Osaka later. Luggageapos;s been packed, tidings all done and sought for, wishlists been printed out. Haa.

Not sure how this OST trip will be for me. But one thing for sure, I dont like the idea of being bonded to the company. Other than that, for ppl who understand me, they will know wat I mean. Whether I will be a more independent person when I return. I guess, its yet another challenge for me ba.

I wont say "dont worry for me" this time round. Please do worry for me. Haa.

Well, till then my frens. Ill be back on the 27th Oct 2008. =)

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пятница, 17 октября 2008 г.

airport screener

We recently hired a full-time employee to assist our warehouse manager, who earns a salary of $500 per week, supervises and directs the assistant's work, and has the authority to report on the assistant's performance to management. Since our warehouse manager now supervises an employee, can we classify him as exempt from the Fair Labor Standards Act's overtime pay requirements?

No. Subject to specific exemptions, the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) is the federal law requiring that employees be paid not less than time and one-half the employee's regular rate for time worked over 40 hours in a workweek. One such exemption is the executive exemption, which applies to employees: 1) who are compensated on a salary basis at a rate of not less than $455 per week; 2) whose primary duty is management of the business or of a recognized subdivision of the business; 3) who customarily and regularly direct the work of two or more other employees; and 4) who have the authority to hire or fire other employees or to recommend the hiring, firing, advancement, or promotion of other employees.

Although the employee in this situation appears to satisfy the first, second, and fourth requirements of the executive exemption, he clearly fails to satisfy the third requirement. The warehouse manager directs the work of only one employee, the newly-hired assistant, rather than the required minimum of two employees. Accordingly, the warehouse manager does not qualify for the executive exemption. While in some cases the facts clearly support the conclusion that the employee in question does not qualify for the executive exemption, as in this one, determining eligibility in other situations may require a detailed and fact-specific inquiry. This is especially true in cases in which either an evaluation of the employee's primary duties or of the employee's authority over subordinates is an issue. Employers who improperly classify an employee as exempt when that employee does not in fact qualify for the executive exemption face a much higher risk of being sued for unpaid overtime compensation and stand a much greater chance of losing that suit.

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So we finally decided to go out and watch The Dark Knight at the cinema...because, apparently, we should get the full cinematic experience :-D

Turns out the only two place itapos;s still showing is The Zone and Brightwater. Brightwater was decided upon because of closeness value. Meg went there straight after her tap class. I drove through from home. As I entered Republic rd, the first issue of the night presented itself. Without warning and for no sane reason, I found myself with only three workable tires. The grinding sounds emanating from the left side of the car was clear indication that there was no way Iapos;d make it to the safety of a petrol station. I stopped on the road (because there are NO emergency areas on the side of Republic rd) and proceeded to sort out the tyre. Fortunately the spare was all pumped and ready for action so this didnapos;t take too long or much effort.

Fifteen minutes later I rolled into Brightwater and met Megs outside the cinemas. After she laughed at my little adventure and my now grungy looking hands, we went in to get our tickets, only to learn that the projector for Dark Night was dead. On cue, we both exclaimed, "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO". The poor attendent cowered slightly.

Okay, so options. A quick sprint to Rosebank, which didnapos;t really appeal, or another movie for tonight. Nothing really appealled to me, except maybe Tropic Thunder, but Iapos;d already seen that twice on circuit. Okay. Supper and then weapos;ll see where to after that. We noted the times scrolling across those little LED displays and headed off in search of sustenance.

Over dinner, I was convinced to watch Tropic Thunder again. I didnapos;t mind of course. I really like the movie. There was just a tiny bit of my brain saying, "But...but...but...THREE times before itapos;s even gone off circuit Thatapos;s silly."
Regardless, decision made, we headed back to the cinemas to watch the 10 oapos;clock show. Or so we thought.

The cinemas were closed At 21:45
What the f.....? After theyapos;d clearly advertised times for later shows?

This just wasnapos;t our day.

Quick decision. We raced off to Cresta because by now we were both in the mood for a movie and I was now really keen on Tropic Thunder....which, it turned out, was no longer showing at the Cresta cinema. Riiiiiiiiiiiiigggghtt.

Wound up watching "My Best Friendapos;s Girl" which was....oh-kay. I could have done it on dvd instead though.

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